Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about Hikearound. You can also email or tweet at @tryhikearound with ideas, feedback, bug reports, or questions not covered here. We'd love to hear from you!
In order to use Hikearound on iOS, you must first have created an account either with an email and password, or with the 'Sign in with Apple' option.
We may consider waiving the account requirement in the future, but having it allows us to provide a best-in-class experience for all users.
First, make sure the email address you're trying to login with is the same one you used to signup for Hikearound. Next, if you've forgotten your password, from the iOS app, navigate to the 'Sign In' screen and select the 'Forgot Password?' link. Then, enter your email address and we'll send you an email with further instructions on how to reset your password.
If you're already logged-in and would like to change your password, you can do so by navigating to the 'You' tab, selecting the 'Settings' icon, and then selecting the 'Change Password' link on the settings screen.
We currently only support user authentication on our mobile app, although we may change this in the future.
You can unsubscribe from any, or all Hikearound emails by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link at the bottom of any email we send to you. You can resubscribe to emails by clicking the 'Notifications and Emails' link in the 'Settings' screen on the iOS app.
You can also enable or disable push notifications from that same screen.
We currently do not support the ability for users to add or upload their own hikes. We plan on adding this functionality in the near future!
We currently do not make money, although we may at some point explore options like showing advertisements or allowing users to purchase a subscription to premium features. If this were to change at any point in the future, we would let you know well in advance.
We currently do not offer the ability to download the raw GPX data for hikes on our website or mobile app, although we'll probably offer the ability download GPX files directly from our website in the near future.
Before releasing an Android application, we want to ensure that our application on iOS is fully developed and in a stable state. We do plan on eventually releasing an Android application, but we cannot provide an estimate as to when that might be.
We are not hiring, however if you're interested in helping design or build Hikearound, feel free to shoot us an email at